Dec 18, 2018 · Даша Шипова рассказывает Романову и его отцу, что Полташевич сразу после пожара отправил ее в Англию и все ...
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Читать далееApr 2, 2024 · Оружие Камнедробителя (Spell) – The attack power bonus has been reduced. Developer's note: Most of the adjustments to Rockbiter weapon, Вскипание лавы , and Верный помощник have been made to further incentivize the usage of …
Читать далееHi All, I just wanted to chime in and provide a bit of context around this issue, and an update on our plans for it. The current behavior of the Улучшенные тотемы чар talent actually does match 1.12 and the reference client, and this talent behaved in this way for its entire existence during original World of Warcraft. It was, however, recorded as a bug shortly after it was ...
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